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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

Bang to rights

Updated: 2011-03-15 07:58
By Li Jiabao ( China Daily)

Beijing's First Intermediate People's Court heard 978 cases involving alleged consumer rights violations between 2005 and 2010, with an average increase of 23 percent year-on-year. About 676 cases were found in favor of consumers. On Monday the court released a list of the most prominent cases. Here are just a few:

A diner complained after a restaurant charged him an extra 100 yuan in September 2006 for opening his bottle of baijiu, a Chinese spirit. Judges upheld his claim and ordered the restaurant owners to return the money and apologize.

A shopper sued a store called e-World Market based in Zhongguancun after he was sold a fake cell phone for 6,900 yuan in August 2007. The trader was ordered to pay him twice that amount in compensation.

A shopper complained to authorities in May 2009 after a department store cancelled a VIP card given to him during a sales promotion. Judges rejected the claim as it was discovered he was using the card with other customers' purchases.

A driver sued a dealership after he discovered minor damage to his Audi A4L just five days after he bought the car new. Although the company argued that the damage occurred when the vehicle was being transported and did not affect the performance, judges ordered them to pay back the money.
