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Metro Beijing

Age limits for senior benefits cut by 10 years

Updated: 2011-03-21 08:03
By Liu Yujie ( China Daily)

328,000 people made eligible for subsidies

Senior citizens over 80 years old in the capital will be entitled to monthly subsidies, while those over 95 will have all their medical expenses covered by the municipal government this year, officials at Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs said on Saturday.

Under the current social pension policy, Beijing residents aged over 90 get a subsidy of 100 yuan each month. However, the age limit will be lowered to 80 when new policies are introduced this year, which means about 328,000 more people will benefit from the change.

The authority also plans to lower the age limit for those who have their medical expenses covered from 100 to 90.

Statistics show more than 430 senior citizens aged 100 and above had medical expenses - 350,000 yuan - reimbursed by the bureau last year. By lowering the age limit, the number of people eligible will be more than 5,000.

Bureau director Wu Shimin said the measures are part of efforts to further improve the social pension insurance and welfare system in the capital during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015).

"Just by lowering the age limit by five years, it's estimated the government will pay as much as 85 million yuan more each year," he said.

Not surprisingly, senior citizens are delighted.

Li Yongping, 83, who was exercising his dog in a park in Deshengmen, told METRO on Sunday he and his wife were both happy to hear the news and hope the measure would come into affect soon.

"The government is paying more attention to the welfare of senior citizens. From free public transport to discounted meals and reserved seats in restaurants, old people are enjoying the best social welfare ever. I hope I can live long enough to enjoy more of these golden years," Li said.

Meanwhile, Wu confirmed that a 12,000-square-meter pension service management center will be established this year with an investment of about 65 million yuan to carry out a series of studies onthe need of senior citizens and to give guidance to all the pension service organizations in Beijing.

According to statistics from Beijing Municipal Health Administration, the average life expectancy for a Beijing citizen is 80 years old.

Li Jianguo, director of the Beijing Committee on Ageing, said he believes the new measures also take citizens' expectations into consideration.

"Everyone will grow old. By taking good care of the current senior citizens we are also creating a better future for ourselves," Li said.
