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Happy couple play it cool at LAN bash

Updated: 2011-03-28 08:03
By Li Jing ( China Daily)

 Happy couple play it cool at LAN bash

Dancers from China, Russia and the United States enjoy a moment in the spotlight at the LAN Club celebrations. [Photo/China Daily]

Happy couple play it cool at LAN bash

DJ Remo gets revelers dancing at celebrity shindig, Li Jing discovers.

It was anticipated to be the party of the weekend ?the first shindig in Beijing for newlyweds Wang Xiaofei and Barbie Hsu. Yet, Saturday night at LAN Club turned out to be a rather more subdued affair.

Although there were plenty of revelers on the dance floor for the club's Space Ibiza night, with the place virtually packed to the rafters at

10 pm, the happy couple kept a low profile.

Beijing socialite Wang, 29, whose mother owns the LAN Club as well as the South Beauty chain of restaurants, and 34-year-old actress Hsu have been stealing headlines in China's celebrity press for months as readers followed their whirlwind romance.

Partygoers on Saturday got only a few glimpses of them though, as they spent much of the night in the VIP lounge.

However, their sudden bout of shyness failed to dampen the fun for everyone else, with many getting down to the tunes of resident DJ Remo, who is regarded as one of Europe's kings of spin.

"I'm going to dance until this place closes," said Russian Jenia Evgenia, the manager of an Italian company.

Sun Chen and Cheng Li from BMW said they were enjoying gin and soda at 50 yuan a glass - with entry costing 150 yuan per person, drinks were sold relatively cheaper.

"If there was no entry fee, the drinks might cost more than 100 yuan," said Sun. "We're going to have a few drinks and then dance after midnight, when the party reaches its peak."

Guests at table areas, which cost a minimum of 3,000 yuan to reserve, started to filter in at about midnight.

Happy couple play it cool at LAN bash
