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Around Beijing

Updated: 2011-05-26 07:59
( China Daily)

 Around Beijing

Waxing lyrical Movie star Yao Chen is measured by a staff member at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in London, England. The actress' figure will gon on display at Tussaud's museum in Shanghai early next year. Zou Hong / China Daily


Airline staff pulled from burning hotel

Two Turkish flight attendants were rescued by firefighters on Tuesday after a blaze broke out in a hotel in Chaoyang district.

About 500 staff members and guests were evacuated from Traders Upper East Hotel after the alarm was raised at 1 pm, with the fire starting in a cable shaft on the 24th floor. The flight attendants were found unconscious in their room suffering from smoke inhalation.

More than 10 engines were sent to the hotel, which is popular with airline staff as it is close to Beijing Capital International Airport. The cause of the blaze is under investigation.


Tombs moved for subway work

A project to relocate 17 ancestral tombs in Fangshan district went off without a hitch on Monday, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

Family members originally rejected the compensation offer of 2,500 yuan for each tomb and free access to public graveyards, instead demanding to exchange the tombs for residential land. The district court did not uphold their claim and ordered the relocation to go ahead. No family members were at the scene on Monday.

In the relocation of tombs, special attention was paid to local customs. Even a mahjong set dug out from one tomb was moved with the deceased.


Financial aid for struggling youths

Disadvantaged youngsters in Shunyi district can now claim a basic allowance, the civil affairs bureau announced.

Children in social welfare housing will receive 1,600 yuan a month, backdated to Jan 1 this year, while those living with friends or relatives get 1,400 yuan, backdated to Jan 1 last year.

The allowance is targeted at children under 16 whose parents are dead, missing, in prison or severely disabled. Those eligible will also receive welfare certificates to ensure their benefits and living condition, authorities said.


Postal relic to get museum revamp

An ancient dak, where mail was delivered to by horse or by foot, is to be fully restored and turned into a scenic museum, Beijing Times reported.

Located in Kangzhuang town of Yanqing county, Yulinbao was established in 1262 and was once used as a fortress for transmitting official messages and military intelligence.

Yulinbao, which covers 162,000 square meters, is the largest and only dak left in Beijing. In 1997, the capital's cultural relics bureau proposed to restore it, but failed to do so due to a lack of funds.


Jilted lover threw acid at partner

A man who threw acid in his girlfriend's face before attacking her teenage daughter with a knife appeared at Beijing No 2 Intermediate Court on Tuesday.

Judges heard that Guan, 38, became furious when his partner Liu Li (not her real name) told him she wanted to split up. The couple met in 2007 and staged a wedding ceremony the following year, although they never registered their marriage.

Guan denied Liu's request before drinking pesticide and stabbing her, with 14-year-old Xiao Feng (not her real name) suffering a cut to her ear as she tried to intervene. He then threw sulphuric acid at them.

A verdict is pending.

(China Daily 05/26/2011)
