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Metro Beijing

County wants to brand itself nationwide

Updated: 2011-06-09 07:59
By Xu Xiao ( China Daily)

County wants to brand itself nationwide

Yanqing County, just outside Beijing, is on the edge of the Great Wall and considered by cycling fans to be a great place to pursue their sport.

It has many of the elements of good tourism: there is of course the Great Wall, but also valleys, cliffs, mountains, and water to provide a picturesque setting.

The surroundings and convenient connection with downtown Beijing, as well as cycling facilities and services, have given Yanqing a new label: "cycling lovers' paradise".

There are helpful signs along cycling routes and maps available, with more than 2,000 bicycles for rent at some 30 different spots, making cycling more convenient for everyone.

And the county has combined cycling with other tourist attractions: pastoral areas, folk culture villages, pick it yourself farms, and parks, providing more leisure options.

Cycling has become more of a fashionable sport in China in recent years, especially after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, which promoted healthy living and more people went looking for a "low carbon" lifestyle.

Cycling in Yanqing was already becoming better known after the cycling preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2007 was held there and became even more popular after the Olympic cycling competition itself.

The cycling circuit at the foot of the Great Wall is thought by some to be the world's most beautiful circuit.

In 2010, Yanqing opened several cycling areas at the Qianjiadian 100-meter water corridor, Xianglong Road, Gulong Road, Guihe River ecology corridor, Longqing Valley, Shi Valley, Sihai Pearl Spring, and Dazhuangke, covering 256 kilometers in all.

The Qianjiadian route is 30 km long, and passes a national geo-park and scenic spots like Dishuihu and Wulong Valley. Visitors can buy local green foods like free-range eggs and Huangcen tea.

The Guihe River corridor is about 70 km long and has the Yeya River park, Guihe River Park and Binhe Forest Park.

The Longqing Valley route runs for 50 km and has such spots as Longqing Valley, Longwanhe wetlands, and Longqing Valley forest park.

This year, there will be more cycling activities held here. The first, "The Great Wall Cup" Beijing International Cycling Competition will be held June 18 and 19. Hosts are the Beijing Sports Bureau, Beijing Sports Federation, and Yanqing county government. It is expected to draw 5,000 cyclists from at home and abroad.

In October, Beijing will hold a professional cycling competition, turning Yanqing's Gulong Road and Xianglong Road into major circuits.

Cycling activities are now giving Yanqing a brand image, so it is aiming at becoming China's "first cycling county".

(China Daily 06/09/2011)
