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Metro Beijing

Pets: Keeping furry friends cool in summer

Updated: 2011-07-26 15:28

I’m concerned about taking my dog for walks in the hot and humid weather. How will I know if my dog is suffering from heat stroke?

Heat stroke happens when your pet’s body exceeds its ability to dissipate heat by normal processes, such as panting and sweating. As a result, their body temperature rises, which 0can cause serious damage, particularly to the heart and lungs. Elevated temperatures can also cause tissue damage and degeneration. Although most common in dogs, be aware that heat stroke also occurs in cats and other pets.

<STRONG>Pets:</STRONG> Keeping furry friends cool in summer

Animals most at risk are those exposed to abnormally high levels of heat for long periods of time or those that don’t drink adequate amounts of water. Humidity also contributes as it decreases an animal’s ability to dissipate heat. Some animals are more susceptible, such as elderly animals or those with heart conditions, as well as animals with thick, furry coats (German shepherds, for example), or short noses (bulldogs and pugs, say).

Some easily identifiable symptoms are vomiting, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, seizures and inability to walk. If your pet shows signs of any of these, don’t wait for the symptoms to go away. This is serious. You can wet down your animal with cool water, but be sure not to use freezing water as this can cause blood vessel contractions that will worsen the problem. Also, don’t cover your pet in wet towels as this will only trap the heat. If available, apply ice packs to the body and alcohol to the pads of the feet. Encourage them to drink water and seek medical help.

Heat stroke is preventable. When it is hot or humid, keep your animals out of the heat as much as possible. You can take them for multiple, shorter walks rather than long walks. Avoid taking your animals out in the middle of the day, when temperatures are highest. Do not leave your pets in the car or in any unventilated space unattended. Always make sure that your pet has access to fresh water.

Need advice from METRO's pet expert? E-mail your questions to Answers supplied by the International Center for Veterinary Services in Chaoyang district. Contact them on 8456-1939 or visit
