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Metro Beijing

The Lingo: Talking about junk food

Updated: 2011-08-01 15:21

Dialogue to get you through those daily frustrations.

Paul says:

Nǐ hǎo, hǎo jiù bú jiàn. Nǐ zěnmeyàng?
Hello, long time no see. How are you doing?

Ma Li says:

Wǒ hěn hǎo. Wǒmen liǎng gè yuè méi jiàn le. Méi xiǎng dào zài kuàicāndiàn yùdào le.
I’m fine. We’ve not seen each other for two months. I wasn’t expecting to see you here in a fast food restaurant.

Paul says:

Shì a. Wǒ de háizimen tài xǐhuān chī hànbǎo le.
Yes. My children really like eating hamburgers.

Ma Li says:

Niánqīngrén dōu shì yíyàng de. Wǒ juéde cháng zài zhèyàng de dìfāng chīfàn duì shēntǐ tèbié bù hǎo.
年轻人都是一样的!我觉得常在这样的地方吃饭 对身体特别不好。
Teenagers are all the same. I think eating that kind of fast food is bad for your health.

Wǒ juédé zhōngguó de niánqīngrén yīnggāi shǎo chī lājī shípǐn fǒuzé tāmen yídìng huì yuè lái yuè pàng de!
我觉得中国的年轻人应该少吃垃圾食品否则他们一定会越来越胖的 !
I think young Chinese should eat less junk food or they’ll certainly get fatter and fatter!

Paul says:

Kěxiào de shì wǒmen liǎ xiànzài jiù zài chī hànbǎo. Xiàcì wǒmen yīnggāi qù yí gè hǎo yidianr de fànguǎnr chī dōngxi.
It’s funny that we’re both eating hamburgers right now. Next time, we must go to a better restaurant to eat.

Dialogue provided by TailorMade Chinese Center at Shangdu SO­HO. Contact them on (+8610) 5900-5420 or visit

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