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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

One-man shows

Updated: 2011-08-09 17:12

Galerie Urs Meile is to host solo shows by artists Yan Xing, Li Gang, Hu Qingyan and Cheng Ran from China, and Christian Schoeler from Germany.

According to a news release, the five artists represent a variety of educational backgrounds, media and artistic practices, as well as a diverse range of subject matters, ranging from realism to pirates. Yan will present a performance at the opening ceremony on Sept 3 from 4:30 pm.

The exhibition will officially run at the Beijing gallery from Sept 4 until Oct 23, Tuesday to Sundays, 11 am-6:30 pm.

Schoeler will also hold at discussion titled Blood and Guts in High School at the CAFA Art Museum auditorium room at 4 pm on Sept 4.
