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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

Rip-roaring farce

Updated: 2011-08-10 18:15

Beijing Playhouse’s new comedy show, Love, Sex and the IRS, is billed as an absurd farce that takes audiences on a wild ride of cross-dressing, sight gags, twists of fate and mistaken identities.

Action centers on Jon and Leslie, two out-of-work men rooming together in New York City who are cheating on their taxes — claiming to be married to save money. When a suspicious Inland Revenue collector drops by to investigate, Leslie squeezes into a dress and masquerades as Jon’s wife.

According to the theater’s news release, although the title includes the word “sex”, the show is family friendly.

Love, Sex and the IRS @ Beijing Playhouse, Sept 9 to 25, Thursdays to Saturdays and Sunday matinees. Tickets are 300 yuan (advance 260 yuan) on 6538 4716 or Performances are in English with Chinese subtitles.
