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Laoganma's private enterprises in need of transformation

By Ouyang Yijiao and Li Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2015-03-10

Guizhou should promote the transformation and upgrade of its private enterprises to boost innovation, according to NPC deputy and founder of Laoganma Special Flavor Foodstuffs Company, Tao Huabi.

Tao, who is also the current chairwoman of the leading Chinese enterprise, submitted suggestions for the development of private enterprises in Guizhou province at the Third Session of the 12th National People's Congress yesterday, after having conducted in-depth research.

She noted that the number, scale and quality of non-public businesses, have all increased significantly in recent years and play a vital role in enhancing economic vitality, increasing tax revenue and resolving employment issues. However, private industries still have a long way to go because of the lack of experience, according to Tao

It is to this end that Tao proposed the promotion, transformation and upgrading of Guizhou's non-public entities and to give priority to promising entities that meet industrial and environmental policies.

According to the proposal, enterprises should cultivate independent innovation habits and a platform should be created to stimulate the improvement of products and equipment, technical research, the manufacturing chain and high technology imports.

Personnel training was another key point put forward by Tao, who added that "Preferential policies should be offered to talents such as improving living conditions and cultivating the corporate culture to act as a strong magnet to them. Non-local employers should be treated as local ones with support in housing allowance together with employment of their family."

According to Tao, policy support including the expansion of financial guarantees and rewards to support innovation projects are needed. She added that such support should persist for a long time and be strengthened annually. The adoption of a special fund for the purpose of technological reform was also mentioned by Tao.

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