Drag Beijing: Introducing Mei Mei

2009-11-02 10:11:07

"Am I beautiful? Am I beautiful, Dad?" Mei Mei asks, partly in jest, but with a great degree of earnestness, as she pours over photo albums of her in her finest drag ensembles at her parents' home in Dandong.

Furniture firm sued for fumes death

2009-11-02 09:51:38

A woman exposed to chemical substances and who aborted her unborn child after learning it was handicapped is suing a furniture company for 180,000 yuan ($26,360), Fengtai district court said yesterday.

Officials firm on incineration plants

2009-11-02 09:09:13

Authorities may push ahead with controversial plans to build seven more incineration plants in Beijing, despite local protests.

Heat follows first snowfall

2009-11-02 09:07:07

Beijing's heating was switched on two weeks early yesterday, as the city's residents shivered from the first snowfall of the season.

Beijing embraces first snowfall

2009-11-02 09:07:44

The first snowfall for the winter season fell on the Chinese capital early this morning, Sunday, November 1, 2009.

Flights delayed by bad weather

2009-11-02 08:55:20

More than 100 flights at Beijing Capital International Airport were delayed and five bus routes to the city limits, including Yanqing county and Tanzhe Temple, were cancelled due to an unexpected snow early yesterday morning.

Singer Chen Lin dead in suspected suicide

2009-11-02 08:08:39

Mainland pop singer Chen Lin is dead after apparently leaping to her death from an apartment building in Beijing, on the same day as her former husband's birthday.

Unofficially haunting: Beijing temple houses bizarre bureaucracy

2009-10-30 11:04:46

In a country that doesn't formally recognize Halloween, China's capital city has an officially scarier way to spend a late October afternoon.

Autumn shows true color in city's outskirts

2009-10-30 11:03:06

Many people believe red leaves at Fragrant Hills are synonymous with Beijing's beautiful autumn. They are partly right.

Vets team up for pet clinic

2009-10-30 10:40:43

Anthony Beck, British CEO of Dorctors Beck and Stone Pet Health Care Center in Beijing, is sitting in his UK flat more than 8,000 km away consulting with Shi Yingbin - also known as Dr Stone - about how to treat a puppy that has been hit by a car.

Comment: Returning to Beijing as an expat

2009-10-30 10:36:45

The schoolyard was still covered in whitish patches where the snow hadn't thawed. I walked across the lonely yard carrying all the contents of my desk in my backpack.

Price of city's luxury flats skyrockets

2009-10-30 10:35:24

The price of luxury flats in Beijing has significantly risen in the third quarter, and analysts say costs will continue to increase.