Beijing to spend 15b yuan to renew old houses

2011-07-06 08:29:36

Beijing plans to spend more than 15 billion yuan ($2.32 billion) on a program to renovate old houses as part of major efforts to achieve its ambitious goal of providing more comfortable and affordable housing for residents.

Parents urged to curb accident risks

2011-07-08 07:48:35

BEIJING - Parents should keep a closer eye on their children to help lower the alarmingly high number of accidental deaths, Beijing health experts told China Daily.

SWAT guard festivals, fairs in safety move

2011-07-07 07:58:33

Security at music festivals, soccer matches and other mass activities will be boosted next month by armed police officers and sniffer dogs.

Beijing checks subway stations after fatal crush

2011-07-07 07:55:57

All 1,331 escalators and elevators at subway stations citywide have been checked for faults, transport authorities assured on Wednesday, in an effort to ease fears following an accident that killed a teenager.

Life in the metropolis faces new health threats

2011-07-06 08:28:42

Cancer has become the leading killer of Beijingers, with the incidence of chronic diseases rising sharply.

City traffic defeats Di'anmen plan

2011-07-05 08:09:04

A plan to rebuild a missing gate on Beijing's central axis has been canceled due to traffic considerations.

New deal for commercial flights over Great Wall

2011-07-04 08:17:19

Want to witness the beauty of the Great Wall but don't fancy the sharp inclines and bustling tour groups? Sightseers can rise above the crowds and get a bird's eye view of the Badaling section by taking a spin with Capital Helicopter on a single-engine, six-seat AS350B3 Squirrel helicopter. Tours start at Badaling Airport and last about 15 minutes.

Storms hard to predict, expert says

2011-07-03 22:42:21

The capital's meteorological authority admitted on Saturday that it doesn't have a great record when it comes to predicting rainstorms but insisted the quality of weather forecasting in China in general is pretty good.

Expressway to see more vehicles as tolls are cut

2011-06-30 07:36:12

Drivers are likely to soon find the toll expressway linking the metropolis to Beijing Capital International Airport a lot cheaper.

Beijing issues pay rise guidelines for this year

2011-06-30 07:30:10

Enterprises in Beijing are advised to give their employees a wage rise of about 10 percent and no less than 5 percent this year, according to a living cost adjustment guide issued on Wednesday.

Authorities quiet about car restrictions report

2011-06-29 08:21:24

The capital's restriction of car purchases has been a controversial subject since it was introduced in January. Now, concern about the impact of the policy on the auto industry has prompted the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) to send a report to the State Council, asking for the end of car purchase limits in Beijing, the National Business Daily reported on Friday.

Downpour in Beijing causes flight delays

2011-06-24 07:44:32

The heaviest rainstorm this summer pounded the capital city on Thursday afternoon, causing flight delays and cancellations not only in Beijing but nationwide.