Clunkers kicked to the curb

2011-04-20 07:56:50

More than 400,000 high-polluting cars will be removed from Beijing's roads within the next five years, environmental authorities pledged on Tuesday.

Clunkers kicked to the curb

2011-04-20 07:56:50

More than 400,000 high-polluting cars will be removed from Beijing's roads within the next five years, environmental authorities pledged on Tuesday.

Vets and volunteers keep close eye on rescued pets

2011-04-19 09:00:44

Wang Renshan has barely had any sleep or food in the last three days. After taking on 23 of the 460 animals rescued by pet-loving netizens last Friday, the president of Lee Pet Vet Animal Hospital has been too busy to take a break.

No plans to rid capital of hated catkins, says official

2011-04-19 09:00:44

Problematic plumes from millions of willow and poplar trees in Beijing began falling off last week but city officials say there is no citywide plan to bring it under control.

'Commuters spend hour less in traffic'

2011-04-19 09:00:44

Mixed response to statistics that show measures reduced congestion

Dogs saved from dinner table

2011-04-18 08:06:59

Animal rights campaigners rescued 430 dogs from the dinner table at the weekend after staging a 15-hour blockade at a toll station in Tongzhou district.

Never too late to look for love

2011-04-18 08:06:59

Silver-haired singletons across the capital are to be given a helping hand in seeking twilight romances.

Growing food on the rooftops

2011-04-18 08:06:59

I have a friend that hates living in cities. The crowds, the congestion, the incredibly fast pace, the polluted air; believe me, his list is extensive. I don't blame him; city life can make us all weary after a while. But sadly for my friend, if current global trends continue, it looks like rural living will eventually become a thing of the past.

Fee hike sparks road rages

2011-04-14 07:59:19

A parking attendant is fighting for his life after being run down by a driver trying to escape a 105-yuan fee.

Safety test for all gas links

2011-04-13 07:56:07

Gas supplies in all Beijing homes are to be checked for potential hazards following a deadly blast that killed six people on Monday.

Fatal blast rocks community

2011-04-12 08:03:22

At least 4 killed as explosion rips though block.

Tricky drivers face hefty fines in clampdown

2011-04-11 08:03:25

Sly drivers who use tricks to avoid paying Beijing's parking fees now face having their cars towed, police have warned.