Warm reception for cool brands

2010-04-19 08:06:27

Paolo Bellamoli had one of the coolest products on display at the three-day China Franchise Expo, which ran from Friday to Sunday in Beijing's China World Trade Center.

Students without hukou struggle to get in classrooms

2010-04-16 08:24:28

Migrant workers say obstacles facing their children amount to educational discrimination

Taboo subjects fair game for suicide hotline

2010-04-16 08:24:28

Taboo topics such as gay love and sexual relationships outside marriage have been set as questions at a two-day recruitment interview for suicide prevention hotline trainees at Huilongguan Hospital this week.

Schools to relax hukou rules

2010-04-16 08:24:28

Beijing's education authorities released this year's primary and middle schools admission policy on Thursday and pledged that children who don't have a Beijing hukou (residence permit) will enjoy the same access to education as those who do, starting sometime in the next three to five years.

High crime areas make a list of black spots

2010-04-16 08:24:28

Beijing has revealed a list of 150 areas blighted by high crime and other social problems.

City schools face student shortage

2010-04-15 09:31:05

Experts say admitting children without hukou can fix problem

Cold shoulder for Chinese men

2010-04-15 08:24:50

It has become a normality of everyday life to see a foreign guy with a local Chinese girl on his arm, but still a rarity to see foreign girls walking hand in hand with a local Chinese guy.

Resident stays put through frightening eviction battle

2010-04-15 08:24:50

A Yanqing town resident is determined to stay in his half-destroyed home, despite heavy-handed attempts to evict him by dozens of black-suited guards armed with powder fire extinguishers.

Illegal parking lots mushroom after hikes

2010-04-14 08:26:20

Illegal parking lots are thriving after parking fees were raised by up to 10 yuan ($1.5) per hour in 13 business areas within the Fourth Ring Road.

'Land kings' expected to sit out auction of building plots

2010-04-14 08:26:20

Land auctions in Beijing will resume on Thursday after they were halted by the government on March 20. Experts predict a thinner herd of "land kings" will bid.

Crime rate at 7-year low

2010-04-14 08:26:20

Crime calls to Beijing police dropped dramatically in the first quarter of the year - the lowest in seven years.

New packaging rules unravel

2010-04-14 08:26:20

Upmarket tea shops among the worst offenders, say critics