Golden Week nuggets for silver screen

2009-09-26 08:04:24

Following the success of his 2003 adventure film Warriors of Heaven and Earth, mainland director He Ping returns with his historical drama Wheat.

High-flying passion

2009-09-25 08:58:17

Despite restrictions on the flying of kites in the lead up to National Day, one Beijing kite-making family said the impact on the business is minimal.

Hi-tech plan cuts Line 4 subway noise

2009-09-25 08:55:36

Railway noise along the new Line 4 subway has been reduced by 15 decibels thanks to new technology.

'Runaway Zhou' was drunk, says lawyer

2009-09-25 08:51:23

A Beijing taxi company claimed it had evidence proving TV star Zhou Jie was drunk when he smashed his Mercedes Benz into a taxi.

Beijing clothes more expensive than London

2009-09-25 08:49:43

Clothing is more expensive in Beijing than most other cities in the world, including London and Los Angeles, new data shows.

Great Wall partiers, campers stir up anger

2009-09-25 07:48:53

The question is being raised over the legality of sleeping on the ancient stones of China's sacred monument after photos surfaced online last month showing around 100 foreigners slipping out of sleeping bags...

Flights grounded at Beijing airport during parade

2009-09-25 07:41:29

The Beijing capital airport will shut down for three hours starting from 9:30 am on Oct 1 for the National Day parade, affecting some 180 flights and thousands of passengers.

Line 4 boosts property prices

2009-09-24 09:18:54

The upcoming launch of subway Line 4 has sent the price and rent of local properties soaring, a real estate agent says.

Sommelier on a mission

2009-09-24 09:16:22

When Julia Zhu left her rural home in northeastern China six years ago, the only wine she had ever tasted consisted of a glass of sweet, carbonated grape juice out of a magnum-sized bottle of Chinese sparkling cider called Changyu.

Here come the holiday brides

2009-09-24 09:13:37

More than 200,000 Beijing couples will marry this year, a record for the capital, and many are preparing for the biggest day in their life during the upcoming National Day holiday.

Police: Leave cars at home

2009-09-24 08:47:57

With millions of visitors expected to swarm the capital for the 60th anniversary celebrations, Beijing traffic authorities are trying to steer people away from cars and taxis and into the subway system.

Smokers face tough fines

2009-09-24 08:45:47

Smoking would be banned in all enclosed public venues and penalties would be increased under new draft legislation for Beijing.