Opinion / Opinion Line

No promotion not an excuse for officials to pursue illegal gains

Updated: 2015-08-05 07:55

Bian Fei, the former party chief of Daming county in North China's Hebei province, was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve this week. Regarded as a competent official, he failed to be promoted over the years and claimed that is why he sought illegal gains. He was found guilty of taking bribes worth more than 59 million yuan ($9.5 million) and causing the loss of nearly 7.7 million yuan to the country. Comments:

Bian's constant obsession with promotion was because of his false belief that higher administrative rankings are the only way to success. Of course, he is not alone in this belief. Therefore, apart from putting public power in a cage and fighting corruption, the ongoing reform of Chinese officialdom needs to educate all officials about the true nature of their job.

Beijing Youth Daily, Aug 4

Admittedly to many, being a government employee is simply a way to make a living, and there is little difference to other professions. However, being an official surely involves more responsibilities and moral obligations. That being said, there are those who become officials because they see it as the only way to get rich and acquire status.

China Youth Daily, Aug 4

It is noteworthy that much of the misconduct of officials has been triggered by "trivial" deviations from the right path initially, as many corruption-related cases in recent years indicate. Once the officials get accustomed to violating Party discipline and the law, they will almost certainly engage in even more serious corruption.

dahe.cn, Aug 4

Of course, by blaming his illegal pursuit of "financial compensation" on his failure to gain promotion, Bian has tried to make a clumsy excuse for his unforgivable misdeeds, because corruption under whatever circumstances is still illicit and against the rule of law. But it is true that some competent officials do have limited access to promotion, as there is a lack of a democratic, transparent, and talent-oriented promotion system. Both officials and the public will find it better when officials are promoted because of their capabilities.

Zhujiang Evening News, Aug 4

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