Opinion / Opinion Line

Both criticism and praise for banquet rule

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-08-06 08:36

Both criticism and praise for banquet rule

The female boss of a hot pot restaurant celebrates birthday for her stuff. [Photo/CFP]

The local government in Tongjiang county, Sichuan province in Southwest China, has issued a circular informing local residents that only wedding and funeral banquets, and birthday banquets for seniors at the age of 70 or above, are permitted. Comments:

Although this circular may be intended to stop the prevalence of extravagant banquets, it is doubtful whether it will be effective given that it runs counter to local custom. Besides, in some people's opinion, the circular should only apply to official banquets.

West China City Daily, Aug 5

The intention of this administrative circular is good, however, local officials should not overly interfere in people's private lives. A wise government should be aware of what to do and when to do it, and also what not to do.

People's Daily, Aug 5

The recent circular, although ridiculed by netizens nationwide, has been applauded by many Internet users in Sichuan and Guizhou provinces who suffer as a result of the gift money they have to pay at the banquets they are frequently invited to. In general, the residents in these provinces do not have very high incomes, but they have had to constantly spend cash to maintain their social relations. Although the circular is too simple and crude for others, for these people there seems to be no other more direct and effective way of putting an end to their predicament.

Sohu.com, Aug 5

The good intention to ban extravagance, in particular the bad custom of luxurious banquets, does not justify the fact that the circular applies to both civil servants and ordinary people. Enhancing the public's awareness would be better than a rigid administrative order in terms of making people end such bad customs.

Cnr.cn, Aug 5

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