Opinion / Opinion Line

Ikea has duty to recall dangerous products in China

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-07-05 07:22

Ikea has duty to recall dangerous products in China

Customers come to visit Ikea's new store in Beijing, Nov 4, 2013. [Photo/icpress.cn]

Ikea has announced the recall of millions of chests of drawers in the United States and Canada after they caused the deaths of three children in the US. These have also been sold in China, but since they meet the country's safety standards IKEA has refused to recall them. Rednet.cn commented on Monday:

The chests of drawers that have been recalled have caused many accidents to children in different countries. And therefore, they should be recalled around the world.

But although there are more than 20 Ikea stores in China their customers have been neglected by the global furniture chain, which says the product quality remains within the national safety standards.

However, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests states business operators, upon discovery of serious defects in their goods or services that may harm consumers' safety, should immediately report these risks to the administrative departments concerned and inform consumers, and adopt measures to prevent any harm being caused.

Before entering the Chinese market, Ikea must have done its homework, and studied China's relevant laws and regulations. In accordance with the law, it should unconditionally recall the defective goods in the Chinese market.

Any company, including foreign companies set up in China must abide by the country's laws and regulations, and must not violate the legal rights of consumers.

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