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China Daily Website

Australians not support public service cuts

Updated: 2012-08-28 13:36
( Xinhua)

CANBERRA - Australians don't support to proposed Coalition cuts to the public sector, according to the new polling of the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) on Tuesday.

This survey was conducted by Essential Media as a part of the CPSU's new campaign against public service cuts at federal and state levels. 67 percent of Australians were concerned about the prospect of a Coalition Government cutting 12,000 jobs in the federal public service in this survey.

It showed that 53 percent believed the cuts would lead to worse services. Only 14 percent believed they would lead to better services. It also showed that a clear majority of people believed the cuts would adversely impact rural and regional areas while 60 percent believed that cuts to support staff would hurt frontline services.

CPSU National Secretary Nadine Flood indicated that the federal public service performs many vital services. "It is clear that the public can see through the spin that these cuts can somehow be achieved without reducing the services the Australian community relies on," she said.

"The public service is already stretched and further cuts will lead to greater pressures on staff and reductions in service quality."

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