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Australian aircraft fails to locate suspicious debris of missing plane

[2014-03-21 01:16]

An Australian P-3C Orion aircraft has returned to Perth after failing to locate objects possibly related to a missing Malaysia Airlines plane, Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said on Thursday.

Australian aircraft cover 23,000 sq km in searching flight MH370

[2014-03-20 23:41]

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) updated by midnight Thursday the information about the search operation related to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, saying the four aircraft it commissioned have covered an area of 23,000 square kilometers.

Debris can be found, just not sure related to missing jet

[2014-03-20 23:41]

Malcolm Quekett from The West Australian Newspaper is one of the few reporters to have laid eyes on the search zone after joining an American team aboard a 10-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft that flew out of Perth yesterday. The veteran West Australian reporter told China Daily last night that while there were "a couple of exciting moments", ultimately the search for what might be debris from the missing flight was unsuccessful.

Relatives devastated after possible plane debris spotted

[2014-03-20 21:57]

Friends and family members of the Chinese passengers on board missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 are devastated after Australian authorities announced on Thursday that new satellite imagery had spotted two large objects that are possibly related to the flight.

Chinese vessels head south for MH370 search

[2014-03-20 21:20]

Beijing has sent ships to the area where Australian authorities say they spotted two objects that could potentially be plane debris. Relatives devastated

Australian aircraft fails to locate suspicious debris

[2014-03-20 21:04]

An Australian P-3C Orion aircraft has returned to Perth after failing to locate objects possibly related to a missing Malaysia Airlines plane.

China's Xuelong icebreaker ready for MH370 search

[2014-03-20 19:23]

China's icebreaker for Antarctic research, Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, is ready to search the possible area for the missing Malaysian airplane, maritime authorities said Thursday.

Australia investigates possible debris

[2014-03-20 15:34]

Search aircraft are investigating two objects floating in the southern Indian Ocean that could be debris from the missing Malaysian jetliner.

China highly concerned about possible Australia MH370 find

[2014-03-20 14:15]

China paid great attention to Australia's possible findings related to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on Thursday.

Australia satellite finds objects possibly from missing jet

[2014-03-20 11:54]

Australian PM Tony Abbott said satellite imagery found two objects possibly related to missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner, with an Australian Air Force P3 Orion dispatched to investigate.

Missing plane calls for reforms in accident investigation

[2014-03-20 11:40]

The disappearance of a Malaysian plane has prompted calls for in-flight streaming of black box data over remote areas.

Chinese media needs to improve to compete

[2014-03-20 07:42]

As the missing Malaysia Airlines plane continues to grab the headlines worldwide, the gap between Chinese and Western media in covering the incident has become ever more evident. During the first few days after the aircraft vanished from civilian radars, Chinese media criticized Malaysia Airlines for delaying the release of information, while their Western counterparts began to question the Malaysian government for suppressing crucial facts.