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Vietnam allows vessels to search for missing jet

[2014-03-10 14:05]

Vietnam allowed Chinese and US vessels to enter its waters to search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight.

Search planes scour sea for missing Malaysian jetliner

[2014-03-10 13:32]

Search and rescue planes scoured waters off the southern tip of Vietnam on Monday, searching for any trace of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner 48 hours after it vanished from radar screens with 239 people on board.

Malaysia Airlines issues 9th statement

[2014-03-10 11:51]

Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight incident - 9th media statement

Unmanned aircraft hoped to bring cleaner upper

[2014-03-10 10:56]

A soft-wing, unmanned aircraft developed by the State-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China sprays a chemical catalyst in the air to disperse fog.

Praying for passengers of flight MH370

[2014-03-10 10:27]

Rescue workers from a Buddhist organisation pray during multi-religion mass prayers for the passengers of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang March 9, 2014.

Ships and aircraft join search for missing plane

[2014-03-10 10:27]

Many countries send warships and aircraft for the search of the missing Malaysian airliner.

Chinese diplomat urges rescue for missing flight

[2014-03-10 10:14]

A senior Chinese diplomat said on Monday that the search and rescue for MH730 remains the most urgent and important work at present.

Chinese government task force leaves for Malaysia

[2014-03-10 09:46]

A government task force of 13 is leaving for Malaysia to work on the case of missing Malaysia Airline flight MH370, March 10, 2014.

British minister offers condolences over Malaysian plane

[2014-03-10 09:24]

British Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Hugo Swire expressed condolences to those affected by the loss of a Malaysia Airlines flight.

Missing jet may have disintegrated - source

[2014-03-10 08:40]

Interpol confirms at least two passengers used stolen passports as a Vietnamese patrol boat reports the sighting of possible plane wreckage.

Malaysia says test needed on oil spill found off coast

[2014-03-10 02:58]

A Malaysian aviation official said here late Sunday that chemical test is being done on oil slick found off northeast Malaysian coast to determine whether it came from the missing airliner.

Expert proposes search & rescue facilities on South China Sea

[2014-03-10 02:58]

China should build search and rescue (SAR)transport facilities like airports and ports on the South China Sea in response to marine and air accidents, a political advisor said on Sunday, in light of an ongoing multinational search for a missing airplane.