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China expands search area for missing plane

[2014-03-12 01:10]

China will adjust its search for the missing MH370 over an expanded range and involve more Chinese ships in the rescue work, the emergency team said Tuesday.

No solid clues found after more than 90 hours of missing flight

[2014-03-12 01:10]

China has made great efforts to search and rescue the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with almost two-thirds of the passengers from China, however no solid clues have been found so far.

Vietnam widens search near Strait of Malacca after futile initial effort

[2014-03-11 23:10]

Vietnam has widened the search for the missing Malaysian jetliner to the further east and west of the Gulf of Thailand.

Chinese relatives of MH370 passengers arrive in Malaysia

[2014-03-11 21:37]

Relatives of Chinese passengers on missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 arrive at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on March 11.

Interpol shows image of 2 Iranians on missing jet

[2014-03-11 20:59]

Interpol has released an image of two Iranians who were traveling with stolen passports on a missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner.

Missing plane last seen at Strait of Malacca - source

[2014-03-11 20:40]

The Malaysian military believes an airliner missing for almost four days with 239 people on board flew for more than an hour after vanishing from air traffic control screens, changing course and travelling west over the Strait of Malacca, a senior military source said.

Malaysia Airlines' 12th statement on MH370

[2014-03-11 20:40]

Malaysia Airlines wishes to clarify that there were four passengers who had valid booking to travel on flight MH370, 8 March 2014, but did not show up to check-in for the flight.

Hunt for missing plane extended to land: airline

[2014-03-11 20:34]

The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane has extended to land, and latest maintenance checks showed the aircraft had no safety concerns, said the airline on Tuesday.

Families of Chinese passengers reject financial aid

[2014-03-11 20:16]

Families of Chinese passengers on board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight have rejected an offer of monetary assistance from the airline as "financial aid" as they question the motives of the company.

Volunteers on hand to help desperate relatives

[2014-03-11 20:07]

Braving the silence that hung in the air, Yao Yao finally decided to speak.

Five Chinese vessels search for missing plane

[2014-03-11 20:07]

Five Chinese search and rescue vessels, including two warships, were searching for missing flight MH370 as of 3 pm Beijing time, the China Maritime Search and Rescue Center said Tuesday.

Passengers still have faith in Malaysia Airlines

[2014-03-11 19:58]

A Chinese national who took a Malaysia Airlines flight from China to Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday with other Chinese nationals as part of a tour group heading to Sri Lanka, said that it is now the "safest time" to travel with the airline as it has "the best security checks and services."