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Chinese premier asks for more detailed info on MH370

[2014-03-17 21:42]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday asked Malaysia to provide Beijing with more detailed data and information about missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in a timely, accurate and comprehensive manner.

Plane search expands from Australia to Kazakhstan

[2014-03-17 19:14]

The search for the missing Malaysian jet pushed deep into the northern and southern hemispheres Monday as Australia took the lead in scouring the seas of the southern Indian Ocean and Kazakhstan.

Malaysia police probe flight engineer on missing plane

[2014-03-17 13:47]

Malaysian police are investigating a flight engineer who was among the passengers on the missing plane as they focus on the pilots and anyone else on board who had technical flying knowledge.

Police hunt for motive as search for jet goes on

[2014-03-17 05:13]

Malaysian investigators are trawling through the backgrounds of the pilots, crew and ground staff for clues as to why someone on board flew it perhaps thousands of miles off course.

Chinese joint working group urges Malaysia to intensify, expand search

[2014-03-17 03:25]

Chinese joint working group entrusted with handling issues related to the missing Malaysian jet liner said here Sunday that they will urge the Malaysian authorities to expand and intensify the search mission and clearly defines the search areas.

Malaysia asks help on passengers' info

[2014-03-17 03:18]

Malaysia is still waiting for some countries to send background checks on passengers who were on a missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner as it intensifies inquiries into a suspected deliberate diversion of the plane, the country's police chief said on Sunday.

Many family members stay in Beijing

[2014-03-17 03:18]

Many families of the passengers on missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 decided to stay in Beijing to await news.

Search for jet expands,but clues still elusive

[2014-03-16 20:23]

Oceans and land across 11 countries being scoured, while passengers’ backgrounds are checked and new information surfaces about the pilots.

Malaysian police examine pilot's flight simulator

[2014-03-16 15:57]

Malaysian authorities were examining an elaborate flight simulator taken from the home of the pilots of the missing jetliner while 25 countries are now involved in searching operations.

Missing pilot led a low-profile life

[2014-03-16 14:32]

House of Catain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the pilot of missing plane, is located in Laman Seri, a community in Kuala Lumpur's suburbs in Malaysia, where villas are worth millions of Malaysian ringgits.

India suspends search for missing Malaysian jet

[2014-03-16 12:51]

India Sunday put on hold the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at the request of Kuala Lumpur, said local TV Times Now.

Muslims in Malaysia pray for missing plane

[2014-03-16 11:32]

Muslims pray for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with 239 people on board in a mosque in Kuala Lumpur, March 14, 2014.