China plans to send five more experts to Malaysia to help in the search operations while police are combing through the personal, political and religious backgrounds of pilots and crew of a missing plane.
The air traffic control authorities in the southern Indian city of Chennai facing the Bay of Bengal has joined search for missing Malaysia Airlines jet, said local media Sunday.
The room in Metropark Lido Hotel had filled with at least 200 relatives of passengers of the missing flight MH370 at around 8:30 am - half an hour before a presentation by representatives.
Latest information that someone deliberately disabled the transponder and changed the route of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 means the passengers could still be alive.
Pakistan on Saturday rejected Western media reports that the missing Malaysian airliner might be hidden somewhere in the country, according to local media.
More than 180 hours after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared from radar and triggered an unprecedented multinational search mission, the heart-wrenching suspense took a dramatic turn Saturday.
China Saturday urged Malaysia to continue providing it with "thorough and exact information" about the missing flight MH370.
Police began searching the home of the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight on Saturday, after the country's prime minister confirmed the plane was suspected to have been deliberately diverted.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that someone had turned the jet MH370 back across Malaysia and onwards to the west.
A Malaysian official was quoted as saying that investigators have concluded that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked.
Analysis of electronic pulses picked up from a missing Malaysian airliner shows it could have run out of fuel and crashed into the Indian Ocean after it flew hundreds of miles off course.
Internet users around the globe have joined in the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner as one of the biggest multinational search and rescue campaigns in history came up empty a sixth day.