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  • Shuttle crew prepares for Florida homecoming

    2011-05-31 15:23

    Astronauts aboard space shuttle Endeavour tested their ship's landing systems in preparation for an early Wednesday touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center.

  • Active video gaming helps battle child obesity

    2011-05-31 13:37

    Active video gaming using interactive wireless technologies can help obese children shed weight, a New Zealand study found.

  • WHO urges Asian govts to pass laws against tobacco use

    2011-05-31 13:28

    The World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday that governments should pass and implement laws that will prevent premature deaths from tobacco-related diseases.

  • WHO urges China to rev up tobacco control

    2011-05-31 11:30

    China can use its control over the state monopoly to end tobacco industry interference in tobacco control policy-making in a country where more than 1 million people die of smoking-related illness each year, a World Health Organization (WHO) official said.

  • Young athletes use fewer drugs, but more alcohol

    2011-05-31 11:15

    Teens who exercise and play team sports are less likely to be smokers or use marijuana and other drugs than their peers, but they do drink more alcohol, a study said.

  • Energy drinks unfit for children

    2011-05-31 08:12

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warned on Monday that children should keep away from energy drinks which may be dangerous for minors.

  • Midwives' counseling helps traumatized new mothers

    2011-05-30 17:25

    About a third of Australian women are traumatized by childbirth and midwives' counseling can ease their distress, a study by Australian researchers revealed on Monday.

  • Shuttle Endeavour leaves space station _ forever

    2011-05-30 17:23

    Endeavour and its crew of six departed the International Space Station and headed home to wrap up NASA's next-to-last shuttle flight.

  • US new breast cancer guidelines seen as unsafe: poll

    2011-05-30 15:19

    More than eight out of 10 women say new guidelines recommending against routine breast cancer screening of women under 50 are "unsafe," according to an opinion poll.

  • Australian robots have learnt to talk the talk

    2011-05-30 14:29

    They're not discussing the latest celebrity gossip or passing on stock tips just yet, but Australian robots have begun talking to each other -- and in a language of their own devising.

  • Shuttle Endeavour leaves space station forever

    2011-05-30 13:41

    Endeavour and its crew of six departed the International Space Station late Sunday and headed home to wrap up NASA's next-to-last shuttle flight.

  • Nuclear plant becomes 1st in US to go digital

    2011-05-30 11:23

    Sometime in the next few weeks, technicians will finish installing digital controls for the operating and safety systems of a nuclear plant reactor in western South Carolina, a move being closely watched by other nuclear complexes.
