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  • Hacker group LulzSec calls it quits

    2011-06-26 15:44

    The Lulz Security group of rogue hackers announced it was disbanding on Saturday with one last data dump, which included internal AOL Inc and AT&T documents.

  • Arctic-crossing algae, whale show threat to Atlantic

    2011-06-26 15:23

    Tiny algae and a whale native to the Pacific have crossed a thawing Arctic Ocean in what may portend a marine invasion threatening Atlantic fish stocks, scientists said on Sunday.

  • Hacker group LulzSec says it's disbanding

    2011-06-26 10:16

    A publicity-seeking hacker group that has blazed a path of destruction on the Internet over the last two months says it is dissolving itself.

  • Global diabetes epidemic balloons to 350 million

    2011-06-26 07:16

    The number of adults with diabetes worldwide has more than doubled since 1980 to 347 million, a far larger number than previously thought and one that suggests costs of treating the disease will also balloon.

  • Small asteroid to pass Earth: NASA

    2011-06-25 08:51

    Near-Earth asteroid 2011 MD will whip past Earth on June 27, but will not pose any threat, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said on Friday.

  • Potato chips are piling on the pounds

    2011-06-24 19:06

    Blame the potato chip. It's the biggest demon behind that pound-a-year weight creep that plagues many of us, a major diet study found. Bigger than soda, candy and ice cream.

  • M7.2 quake hits Alaska, tsunami warning issued

    2011-06-24 13:28

    A major earthquake of 7.4 magnitude hit in the Pacific Ocean Thursday 107 miles east of Atka, Alaska, at a depth of about 25 miles,and a tsunami warning was in effect for parts of coastal Alaska, warning agencies said.

  • Study: Big city life can get you down

    2011-06-24 07:53

    This may come as no surprise to residents of big cities: Living there can be bad for your mental health. Now researchers have found a possible reason why.

  • Heat to do more harm in Europe than cold

    2011-06-24 07:53

    A new study says one of the few benefits of global warming - fewer deaths from the combination of extreme heat and cold - may eventually melt away in Europe.

  • Bone piece with carving of ancient beast found

    2011-06-24 07:53

    A bone fragment at least 13,000 years old, with the carved image of a mammoth or mastodon, has been discovered in the southern US state of Florida, a new study reports.

  • FDA: Breast implants don't last forever

    2011-06-23 15:15

    Women who get silicone breast implants are likely to need additional surgery within 10 years to address complications such as rupturing of the device, US health regulators said on Wednesday.

  • Apple to unveil faster iPhone in September

    2011-06-23 11:08

    Apple Inc. plans to introduce a new iPhone in September featuring faster chip and more advanced camera, U.S. media reported on Wednesday.
