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  • Space shuttle Discovery heads home to retirement

    2011-03-08 09:09

    Its decades-long mission accomplished, space shuttle Discovery headed home to retirement after undocking from the International Space Station on Monday for the last time.

  • Double header

    2011-03-08 07:20

    An African spurred tortoise (Geochelone sulcata) with two heads and five legs is displayed in Zilina March 7, 2011. The two-headed tortoise, which has been given the two names Magda (left head) and Lenka, is seven weeks old and was born in Slovakia.

  • India to launch remote sensing satellite in April

    2011-03-07 15:18

    India will launch a remote sensing satellite, Resourcesat-2, in April, that will provide information on biophysical and geophysical parameters on the Earth 's surface.

  • US military's mini space shuttle lifts off

    2011-03-07 13:46

    A prototype miniature space shuttle blasted off aboard an unmanned Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Saturday for a demonstration run that could last as long as nine months.

  • Chemists engineer bacteria for biofuels‎

    2011-03-07 09:34

    US researchers have successfully used certain microbes to produce biofuels, opening a door to developing cheaper "green" energy.

  • Glory satellite fails to make orbit: NASA

    2011-03-04 22:22

    A rocket carrying the Glory Earth-observing satellite launched on Friday but failed to place the satellite into orbit, sending both plummeting into the Pacific, NASA said on Friday.

  • NASA's earth-orbiting satellite ready for launch

    2011-03-04 15:40

    After a series of delays, NASA's earth-orbiting satellite Glory is ready for launch from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base

  • US study says sex down among young adults, teens

    2011-03-04 09:53

    Apparently, fewer American teens and young adults are having sex, according to a federal study which offers numbers but doesn't examine the reasons.

  • China to launch first space lab by 2016

    2011-03-03 15:02

    A Chinese senior space technology expert said Thursday that China is expected to launch its first space laboratory before 2016.

  • Doctors call for approval of brain surgery to treat depression

    2011-03-03 14:11

    Australian doctors on Thursday called on the federal government to provide Australians with mental illness greater access to controversial surgery that places electrodes in a patient's brain while they are awake.

  • US astronauts venture for 2nd spacewalk

    2011-03-03 11:07

    Two US astronauts ventured outside the International Space Station to conduct the second and last spacewalks for space shuttle Discovery' STS-133 mission on Wednesday.

  • Apple unveils iPad 2

    2011-03-03 10:42

    Apple unveiled its next generation iPad at an event in San Francisco.
