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  • Fiber intake may reduce risk for heart problems: study

    2011-03-23 11:22

    People who consume the most fiber are the most unlikely to suffer heart problems during their lifetime, a new study suggests.

  • Nintendo 3DS could 'identify vision issues'

    2011-03-23 08:03

    Eye specialists are welcoming the Nintendo 3DS game device, dismissing the manufacturer's warnings that its 3-D screen shouldn't be used by children 6 or younger because it may harm their immature vision.

  • Brain problems led to Knut's death

    2011-03-22 21:37

    The Berlin zoo says a test performed on celebrity polar bear Knut indicate that "significant changes" in the animal's brain led to his sudden death last weekend.

  • Texas man gets first full face transplant in US

    2011-03-22 21:38

    A Texas construction worker horribly disfigured in a power line accident has undergone the nation's first full face transplant in hopes of smiling again and feeling kisses from his 3-year-old daughter.

  • More US men getting plastic surgery: Study

    2011-03-22 08:20

    Facelifts are surging in popularity among US men as the country digs out of recession and the older set aims to compete with a younger, tech-savvy generation, a survey showed on Monday.

  • Vietnam approves $25m loans to fight H5N1

    2011-03-21 13:53

    Vietnamese Prime Minister has approved an additional $250-million loans for the " Vietnam avian and human influenza control and preparedness project (VAHIP)", according to the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on Monday.

  • AT&T to buy T-Mobile USA

    2011-03-21 10:40

    AT&T plans to pay $39 billion to buy Deutsche Telekom AG's T-Mobile USA in a deal that is expected to attract intense regulatory scrutiny as it creates a new US mobile market leader.

  • Boeing completes 1st flight of new passenger jet

    2011-03-21 10:06

    The Boeing Co.'s newest and largest passenger plane completed its first flight on Sunday, marking another milestone as the company prepares to get the long-haul jumbo jet ready for the market by the end of the year.

  • Revealed: Face of Zed, ice age mammoth

    2011-03-21 08:26

    Excited archeologists in California are rubbing their hands: After three years' back-breaking work they are finally, painstakingly revealing the face of Zed, the ice age mammoth.

  • US probe enters orbit around Mercury

    2011-03-18 13:05

    NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft entered an orbit around Mercury late Thursday, capping an over-six-and-half-year journey to the solar system's innermost planet.

  • NASA's humanoid robot unveiled on space station

    2011-03-17 22:25

    The first humanoid robot ever launched into space is finally free.

  • New virus caused tick-bite deaths last year

    2011-03-17 15:44

    Chinese scientists have discovered a previously unknown virus carried by ticks which led to at least 36 deaths in six provinces by last September.
