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Town Hall format

2012-10-23 17:29
The town hall format used in the second presidential debate between the two candidates.

An Irish goodbye

2012-10-17 10:54
To do an Irish goodbye is for David to leave the bar without saying “Goodbye” to anyone whom he’s been drinking with.


2012-10-15 16:15


2012-10-08 15:05

In a single go

2012-09-26 13:27
In one single go, on the other hand, means you finish the job in one attempt.

In the wind

2012-09-19 10:38
Hence, figuratively speaking, if something is in the wind, it is coming.

To one's cost

2012-09-13 10:39
Apparently the speaker gained that knowledge, and he learned it first hand.


2012-09-05 10:48
This is a play on the word triangle, “tri” sounding the same as the word “try”.

The coin of the realm

2012-08-29 09:59
In fact, it became “the coin of the realm”, or in other words the order of the day.

Stretch oneself too thin

2012-08-22 14:59
That way, they run the risk of stretching themselves too thin – doing so many things at once that they fail to be effective in any.

Toy with the idea of

2012-08-15 13:33


2012-08-10 08:55
Winner-take-all means exactly that – the winner of a competition wins everything, with the loser taking home nothing.

Go with the moment

2012-08-01 10:52

One throat to choke

2012-07-25 09:35
In other words, if any customer is unhappy, they will have a single target to take out their anger on – and that one vendor is Dell.

Miss the boat

2012-07-18 10:53
By extension, missing the boat also means, figuratively speaking, missing an opportunity.


2012-07-11 10:15
In other words, for him to get the win the presidency is as easy as, using our example again, shooing a few chickens into their cage.

Have no time for failures

2012-07-05 09:36


2012-07-04 10:05

All Greek to me

2012-06-20 13:25
Hence the phrase: All Greek to me, meaning something you read is foreign and incomprehensible.

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