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Li pledges measures in fight for clean air

China will further strengthen the enforcement of environmental laws, and take other measures to tackle air pollution.

Scouting out a greener future

Procter and Gamble supports environmentally friendly Beijing youth project.

Air quality improves for 14th consecutive year

Beijing's air quality has improved for 14 straight years, with major pollutants down in the city, a municipal government spokesman said Monday.

Nation's top tech zone stresses green industry

Zhongguancun is heeding the central government's call to build a green, sustainable economy by highlighting enterprises specializing in energy conservation and environmental protection.

Beijing subway riders can start recycling

Passengers can get 5-15 fen for each bottle, or recharge their transportation cards on site.

Beijing phases out old vehicles to curb pollution

Out of concern for its air quality, Beijing has stepped up efforts to phase out old, heavy-polluting motor vehicles, the local environmental watchdog said.

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