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Beijing sees heavy pollution in June

The air in Beijing, as well as its surrounding areas, was heavily polluted in June, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) said Wednesday.

Green project to help reduce Beijing pollution

China's capital city will build over 1,000 kilometers of greenways in the coming five years to ease air pollution, the Beijing municipal government announced on Tuesday.

More clean energy buses to curb smog in Beijing

Beijing is replacing a high proportion of diesel buses, which contribute higher emission of PM2.5 with airborne particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, with new clean energy buses, Beijing News reported.

Beijing: Green spaces atop buildings

Roof greening, a combination of architecture and greening art, has become a new way of urban afforestation.

Worst air quality recorded in Beijing: report

The worst air quality ever in Beijing was recorded during the period of time between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, according to research published recently.

Joint action needed for clean air

The treatment of Beijing's air pollution needs the cooperation of neighboring areas, experts said on Friday when the city reported a modest improvement in its air quality in 2012.

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