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Hebei to build a development region around Beijing

Hebei province plans to build a development region in parts of the province surrounding Beijing, including 13 cities and counties, said a Hebei provincial official.

Shijiazhuang airport aims to become regional hub

Hebei’s capital airport welcomed a new partner--Tianjin Airlines--on Tuesday, extending Shijiazhuang’s one-hour-flight coverage to nine major cities in the area.

Wholesale market to move out of Beijing

A large garment wholesale market in Beijing is expected to move to Hebei province in 2014 to help ease heavy traffic in the Chinese capital, China Business Journal reported.

Beijing, Hebei sign economic zone deal

Beijing and Hebei province signed a framework agreement for the capital's economic zone covering bordering areas of the two regions from 2013 to 2015.

Inter-city Express Railway links Beijing-Tianjin

Beijing-Tianjin Inter-city Express Railway, the fastest of its kind in service in the world, began its operation on August 1, 2008, making possible the urban agglomeration of Beijing and Tianjin, which are the only pair of megalopolises in the world with a straight-line distance of about 100 kilometers.

Beijing-Tianjin train tickets start online sale

The Ministry of Railways said Saturday that online sales of tickets for Beijing-Tianjin intercity trains will be launched on Sunday.

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