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The bittersweet of group purchase

How to live a life of high quality but with minimal costs in the face of the nation's rising prices? Group purchases seem to satisfy on both fronts.

New global military development

In our world, nations spare no effort to develop new weaponry to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. Here we stage you some of the high-profile military events since the beginning of this year, and a panorama of steal aircraft around the world.

The joy of spring

It’s April now, the last month of spring. Before you realize, spring has tinted the earth with bright colors, bringing vitality to everyone’s life around us. Still hibernating indoors? Come out of your room and have a taste of fresh spring air!

Beijing experiencing new round of smog

Days of heavy smog are likely to strike Beijing again as no gusty winds are foreseeable this week, meteorological reports have showed.

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