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Beijing to charge people for soot emissions

Beijing could soon charge people for the pollution they cause by cooking.

Sandstorm headed for capital city

A cold snap and a sandstorm could be headed for Beijing on Monday.

Gary Locke plants Sino-American friendship trees in Beijing

US Ambassador to China Gary Locke visited Reignwood Pine Valley in Changping district, Beijing, and planted trees signifying Sino-American friendship there s on March 29.

Xi gives green light for planting

President Xi Jinping on Tuesday stressed the importance of further mobilizing public support for tree planting, to aid the building of a "beautiful China".

Beijing targets capital's suburban smog

The Beijing municipal government has put the environment at the top of its work agenda this year, launching a campaign to tackle pollution, especially in the suburbs.NGOs call for more pollution info

Beijing and Tianjin to tackle heavy pollution

Beijing and Tianjin have drawn up an emergency plan to tackle heavy pollution, under an agreement signed by authorities in the two municipalities on Sunday.

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