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Transfer of industry urged from Beijing to Tianjin

Legislators in both Beijing and Tianjin have called upon governments to transfer some industries from the overloaded capital to the nearby port city.

Hebei port ready to cooperate with Beijing and Tianjin

The port at Caofeidian, which serves the city of Tangshan, Hebei province is set to become an important economic partner of the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin in the future, by using its resource advantages, a district leader has reported.

Beijing-Tianjin express doing well

The Beijing-Tianjin Intercity express railway will soon celebrate its one year anniversary on August 1.

Beijing and Tianjin to tackle heavy pollution

Beijing and Tianjin have drawn up an emergency plan to tackle heavy pollution, under an agreement signed by authorities in the two municipalities on Sunday.

Environment issues rising on the list of employees' worries

Seeking a healthier environment, next to pursuing promotion and finding a work-life balance, has become the third-most important reason for Chinese professionals to change.

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