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A window into China's big dilemmas

PBS SoCal is getting ready to present a new five-part documentary next month entitled China's Challenges and if the first installment is any indication, people interested in contemporary China are in for a treat.

McDonald's to make over in China

Illinois-based McDonald's, known for its Big Mac sandwich, Egg McMuffin and Happy Meals, has started a make-over of its restaurants in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, using a local designer.

IMAX and its Chinese dream

IMAX has a Chinese dream for the fastest growing film market in the world.

Experts' panel

"I don't think the Chinese dream is unique to China. It is a people's dream. It is similar to any other country's dream - American dream, European dream. People are always pursuing happiness and better living conditions or whatever, wherever they happen to be."

Dream debate

How does the Chinese dream compare to the aspirations and goals of other nations?

Finding the common ground of dreams

Eleanor Roosevelt, America's longest-serving First Lady once said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Nearly a century later, it is safe to surmise that the future belongs to the Chinese people, guided as they are by their national dream.

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