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Tencent to give startups a helping hand

Tencent plans to set up 25 innovation incubators across China in 2015, the latest move to facilitate Chinese startups through integrating its online and offline resources.

Tencent launches OS for smartphones

TencentOS will improve the experience on social networking apps and help users enjoy high-quality services from different smart devices.

'Made in China 2025' to outline future roadmap for manufacturing

A roadmap for the future of manufacturing, the "Made in China 2025" plan, will be unveiled in the near future.

Lenovo eyes increased PC market share in China

Lenovo Group, the world's largest personal computer maker, is targeting 40 percent of the PC market in China and revenue of $10 billion in the 2015 fiscal year.

From star student to Shanghai citizen

Having lived in China for more than 30 years, Noyan Rona has traveled around the country extensively. However, his favorite city - his "second hometown" as he calls it - has long been Shanghai, so much so that if he leaves for just a few days, he begins to miss the atmosphere.

Tsinghua University students participate in military training

Incoming freshmen wear chemical protection masks during military training drill held in Tsinghua University, Beijing, Sept 19.

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