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Reaching out to the west

Q&A | Wang Jianjun

Strong international brand part of Chinese Dream

Chinese Dream can help brands grow in China, according to London-based research agency Millward Brown' latest report, The Power and Potential of the Chinese Dream, which was released Tuesday.

Photographer explores roots through a lens

Sitting on the stairs in front of the post office next to Guangzhou Railway Station, 47-year-old migrant worker Cheng Jiping vacantly stares at the bustling square in front.

Experts point way to 'build a better dream'

The "Chinese Dream" of national rejuvenation and the Republic of Korea's "new era of hope and happiness" can dovetail to the benefit of both countries and the region, senior diplomats and analysts said as President Xi Jinping prepares to visit Seoul.

China's road is based on history and reality

The Chinese people are confident enough to build a socialist country that is rich, democratic, civilized and harmonious, as well as make further contributions to the human civilization as a whole.

Tracing Grandpa's dream

In 1872, residents in the American city of Hartford, Connecticut were undoubtedly startled to see a group of Chinese boys, wearing silk robes and pigtails, arrive to begin study at local schools and to live with host families.

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