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Young pianist joins an elite roster

Chinese classical pianist Tian Jiaxin, 28, has added a new feather to her cap in a career that has the music world predicting ever greater things.

Forum discusses the Chinese dream and human rights

The two-day Seventh Beijing Forum on Human Rights opened on Wednesday, focusing on the relationship between the Chinese dream and improving human rights in the country.

Coordinating human rights development

President Xi Jinping proposed to "realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" in November 2012.

Vice-premier praises Sinology's global role

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong has hailed Sinology as the "window for the world" to better understand China, while expressing her wishes for the age-old academic study to evolve with more exchanges and diversified approaches.

Singapore is the future of China in urban order

Invited to deliver the graduation speech at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, I was floored by the number of Chinese students in the graduating class. But nothing surprised me more than my stopover in Singapore. I can say that I've seen China's future, and it's called Singapore.

Student says Chinese Dream inspires Africans

Cyprian Nugah Doh's love affair with China and in particular Shenzhen, began in 2011, and it is still not quite over.

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