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Shared dream

The concept of the Chinese dream resonates in Africa more than anywhere else as the continent looks for inspiration

Power of resonance

The Chinese Dream put forth by President Xi Jinping has captured the hearts and minds of people in China, and to a large extent in Africa. The fervor to embrace the Chinese Dream is understandable, as it seeks to provide a life of prosperity for people in which they can become whatever they choose to be.

Economic unity can set the ball rolling

Much has been written about the Chinese Dream and what it means for the rest of the world and Africa. But from an African perspective while it stands for harmonious and peaceful development, it also offers valuable lessons on how the continent can chart its own destiny.

Africa must find its own growth niche

When we think of the Chinese Dream and the African dream there is something that immediately comes to the mind. Both the dreams focus on the economic and social betterment of people.

The Chinese Dream in Western eyes

President Xi Jinping's overarching vision of the Chinese Dream has become a grand driver of China's continuing reform and development.

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