Milestone set to be reached

By Li Jiabao ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-02-09 23:49:31

Shen Danyang, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said at a news conference on Jan 16: "Basically China's foreign trade met last year's target, and the results were achieved with a lot of hard work. It was an outstanding success internationally given sluggish world demand and the uncertain recovery."

The country's export juggernaut is made up of numerous small- and medium-sized enterprises such as Ningbo Haixin Hardware Co Ltd in Zhejiang province.

Meng Yu, the company’s sales manager, says the value of its exports managed to rise last year, despite its exports to Japan falling and despite rising labor costs, increasing competition and greater difficulty in borrowing from banks.

"We tightened internal controls to cut costs and improve productivity," Meng says. "We also dropped low-end products or markets to step up industrial upgrading and improve production. We also brought in more automation to cut the use of labor."

The company, a private business set up in 1995 and which has 280 employees, sells fasteners such as bolts and nuts in the United States, Northern Europe and Southeast Asia.

"China's exports are still strongly competitive globally," Meng says. "Well-established factories give the country outstanding manufacturing ability. We are rich in resources and the cost of labor is still lower than in many other places.

"Chinese exporters have made important productivity gains in recent years, but dealing in low-end products is becoming harder."

In recent years doubts have grown about China's export competitiveness because costs, especially for labor, have risen rapidly. Some foreign invested exporters have moved their Chinese plants to Southeast Asian countries where labor is a lot cheaper.

"For private businesses, conditions are not so good for shifting domestic plants to Southeast Asian countries," Meng says. "Although the cost of labor is much lower, there is a dearth of resources, and they rely on imports. In some countries, the political and economic environment is poor, not to mention the big differences in culture and language. There can also be opposition from local competitors or industrial associations."

Shen, the commerce ministry spokesman, said that China's trade growth not only boosts the country's economic growth and employment, but also creates huge employment and investment opportunities for its trading partners. He quotes a report from the World Trade Organization as saying that China is one of the top three import sources for 107 economies of the WTO's 159 members and one of the top three export markets for 42 members.

It is important to consider the upgrading and structural improvement in China's goods trade since the 2008 global financial crisis, Shen says.

"China's trade structure has made remarkable progress on many fronts over the past five years."

Emerging markets accounted for 61.2 percent of China's total exports last year, compared with 53.8 percent in 2008, the Ministry of Commerce says. The mainland's top five trading partners were the European Union, the US, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Hong Kong and Japan. But combined trade with the EU, the US and Japan accounted for 33.5 percent of China's total trade last year, compared with 35.2 percent from the previous year.

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