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China Daily Website

Wenjin highlights top books

Updated: 2013-04-24 11:53
By Sun Ye (

What should you read on World Reading Day? The National Library of China, under the “Reading makes life better” campaign, has compiled a must-read list for the day that falls on Wednesday, Oct. 2.

The recommended books are all winners of the Wenjin Book Award, whose results were announced on April 23. Several of the books were translated.

Henry Kissinger’s on China, a book based on his diplomatic career makes the list as does Voyages of Discovery, Tony Rice’s book on expeditions of natural history. Others include Make No Law, Anthony Lewis writing on the Sullivan case and the first amendment in the US, and Arrival City, Doug Saunders’ book on migration. The ten books, published between mid 2011 and the end of 2012, were selected from a pool of more than 1,150 entries.


Wenjin highlights top books

Wenjin highlights top books

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