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China Daily Website

  • Ancient town escapes city's pace of life

    2010-11-10 09:37

    With Beijing now fully enveloped in autumn, the weather is cooling off and the TV is going on.

  • Sharing one dream with my Chinese study buddy

    2010-11-10 09:24

    Our lives are as antipodean as our hometowns, but Xue Chen and I had at least one thing in common - we were nervous. Our exams were approaching.

  • Innocence lost

    2010-11-10 09:22

    A pilot project to combat violence against children in Shaanxi province is prying open doors and lifting the veil on abuse - mental, physical and sexual.

  • Obama's childhood memories flood back in Jakarta

    2010-11-10 09:02

    More than 40 years have passed since U.S. President Barack Obama came to Indonesia for the first time, but the memories of his former childhood home came flooding back during a state visit to Jakarta on Tuesday.

  • Don't miss a beat as they bring back the dancing

    2010-11-09 10:11

    The first time I held a boy's hand was 20 years ago. It wasn't my first awakening of love or anything like that, but the first time I participated in a group dance.

  • Get an insight into life with the flick of a switch

    2010-11-09 10:10

    It was one o'clock in the morning. I was bored but didn't want to go to bed. I grabbed the remote and, as the TV flickered to life, my eyes were greeted by one of the strangest commercials I have ever seen.

  • More homosexuals coming out in the open

    2010-11-09 09:34

    When Lorri Jean, chief executive officer of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, first visited China in 1998, she did not meet a single gay person.

  • I'm counting down to the Spring Festival Gala

    2010-11-08 09:35

    The chilling weather is making me think about the beginning of another year and, for me, the countdown has begun to the launch of the Spring Festival Gala.

  • Travel Picks: Top 10 spa destinations

    2010-11-08 09:10

    Hydrotherapy, massages and ancient Thai healing practices are just a few of the spa treatments offered to luxury hotel guests around the world.

  • Player faces action over dog photo

    2010-11-08 08:59

    Australia's rugby league bosses have told the Canberra Raiders they expected "appropriate" action to be taken against Joel Monaghan after a photograph of the player simulating a sex act with a dog was posted on the internet.

  • Do you hate waiting? Get in line..

    2010-11-08 08:58

    A nation renowned for the art of queuing may be losing its patience, a survey has shown, with the average British adult able to stand in line for only 10 minutes and 42 seconds before tempers start to fray.

  • Is your laptop cooking your testicles?

    2010-11-08 08:58

    Whoever invented the 'laptop' probably didn't worry too much about male reproductive health.
