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China Daily Website

  • Because the night belongs to people

    2010-09-29 10:18

    With the pleasant autumn nights upon us, my wife Ellen and I have taken to walking around the neighborhood we live in of an evening.

  • Fighting fat

    2010-09-29 09:27

    Child obesity can only be addressed through lifestyle changes.

  • Milan fashion shines in wearable luxury

    2010-09-29 09:18

    Italian fashion designers created shimmering, fluid looks for their 2011 spring/summer collections, mixing fringes and lengths to seduce women as conscious of their bodies as of their money.

  • Individualism that has Chinese characteristics

    2010-09-28 09:50

    It was a bright, warm summer morning as I stood in line to buy tickets at Beijing's Happy Valley amusement park.

  • Pat on the back

    2010-09-28 09:43

    Twelve foreigners who have made China their home win recognition for their exceptional contributions.

  • Gym culture not working out for the French

    2010-09-28 09:28

    The French may love to look good but few are willing to work up a sweat over it.

  • For better and for worse but with a prenup

    2010-09-28 09:27

    Americans are taking a cautious approach to marriage and are seeking more prenuptial agreements before walking down the aisle.

  • Cardio routine can nurture sweet dreams

    2010-09-28 09:27

    Sleepless and sedentary? Instead of counting sheep in a field, try running through a meadow.

  • Giving a hoot about owls

    2010-09-27 09:11

    Known for its wisdom, the owl has the attention of one of Beijing's restaurateurs. Alexandra Leyton Espinoza sets chase to find out why.

  • Build upward or outward? City's growth dilemma

    2010-09-27 09:09

    When seen from a vertical perspective, most of the world's major mega-cities are like a pyramid. The tallest buildings and highest concentration of businesses and people are in the city center.

  • Clubbers unite at 'forest' rave

    2010-09-27 09:08

    Australian event planner and Beijing-based artists work together to electrify the capital's love of music.

  • Hutong spirit alive and well

    2010-09-26 09:52

    For visitors to Beijing looking to escape the high-rise havoc of the CBD, Wudaoying offers a quaint retreat. Todd Balazovic shows the way.
