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China Daily Website

  • Netizens share bulk discounts with tuangou

    2010-08-05 10:04

    Beijingers have long been known as excellent bargainers, and tuangou, or group buying, is Internet commerce with a Chinese twist.

  • Afternoon tea with the Queen

    2010-08-05 09:44

    Every year Britain's Queen Elizabeth II invites some of her subjects to a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

  • U.S. billionaires pledge fortunes to charity

    2010-08-05 09:06

    Dozens of U.S. billionaires pledged on Wednesday to give at least half their fortunes to charity as part of a philanthropic campaign by two of the world's richest men -- Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

  • A road less traveled

    2010-08-05 09:50

    Long before the earthquake, a group of people were braving the perilous journey to Yushu to help provide education for the local children.

  • Dutch 14-year-old sets sail for solo world voyage

    2010-08-05 09:27

    Dutch teenager Laura Dekker headed for the open sea on Wednesday after winning a year-long battle with child welfare authorities over her ambition to become the youngest person to sail the globe solo.

  • Chinese luxury wannabes try to shake off "Made in China" image

    2010-08-05 09:26

    Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, often dubbed the Oracle of Omaha, has seen the future of fashion in the most unlikely of places, bearing a "Made in China" label better known for its cheap than chic.

  • Winter cold patch

    2010-08-04 13:25

    Sanfu - the hottest days of the year - is the only time to get a futie patch, which consists of medicinal herbs that are applied to specific acupuncture points to treat colds.

  • Following the path to happiness

    2010-08-04 13:35

    "Walkies!" We don't have to tell them twice. Our two dachshunds, Lulu and Alex, point their ears and bark excitedly.

  • India's cities grow fast, develop slowly

    2010-08-04 09:19

    It happens every year. When monsoon rains lash Mumbai, the city turns into a cesspool, which along with its potholed roads and gridlocked traffic, mocks its ambition of becoming a global financial center.

  • Total recall and memory isn't what it used to be

    2010-08-04 13:19

    About 10 years ago, when phones merely made calls, I had a barroom discussion with a group of colleagues about the advantages of having a mobile device that was connected to the Internet.

  • Christmas comes but once a year -- in August

    2010-08-04 09:04

    It must seem to some that Christmas comes earlier and earlier each year, and for shoppers in one London store that was certainly true this week.

  • Historic London market protests at reform plan

    2010-08-04 09:20

    Porters at Britain's historic Billingsgate fish market began a campaign on Tuesday against reform plans they say would destroy the 680-year-old institution.
