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  • Pushing beyond the pain

    2010-10-31 12:00

    It is one of the secrets of elite athletes: to keep going at a level of effort that seems impossible to maintain.

  • Creating new ways to fill tanks

    2010-10-31 12:00

    The insatiable consumption of fossil fuels and concerns about climate change are driving the quest for alternative fuels, and a better battery could be part of the solution.

  • A physician's crusade to revive physical exams

    2010-10-31 12:00

    STANFORD, California - Dr. Abraham Verghese is on a mission to bring back the physical exam. The touching, looking and listening were the once prized, almost magical skills of the doctor who could swiftly diagnose an ailment using just keen eyes, practiced hands and a stethoscope.

  • TRAVEL POSTCARD: 48 Hours in Seoul

    2010-10-29 15:15

    South Korea's dynamic capital boasts an abundance of ultra-modern and historical attractions, decadent eateries, and an unforgettable nightlife.

  • Up, close and personal with Cheerful China

    2010-10-28 10:02

    "Why did you cut my punch line, 'Revenge is a dish best served cold'?" asked Australian Patrick Whiteley, a former editor.

  • Facebook, Twitter say social is the new normal

    2010-10-29 09:19

    The social networking phenomenon has nowhere to go but up as computer use becomes more mobile, according to leading figures in the development of the popular sites Facebook and Twitter.

  • It's not what you say, it's how you say it

    2010-10-28 10:01

    I remember once when I asked Eddie, my English ex-roommate, whose wedding he was going to attend over the weekend, he answered, "ma soeur".

  • Oliver overtakes Jack for top boys' name in England

    2010-10-29 09:22

    Oliver nudged Jack off a 14-year-old perch to reach the top of the 2009 league table for boys' names in England and Wales, Britain's Office for National Statistics reported this week.

  • Climate show forecasts frozen, ramshackle London

    2010-10-28 10:05

    London's River Thames has frozen over, Buckingham Palace is surrounded by a shanty town and a flooded British capital is depicted as Venice with parliament rising from the waters in a new climate change show.

  • Netiquette trumps technological naivete

    2010-10-27 09:42

    Do we need a new etiquette guide for the digital age? Many users are uncertain just what belongs on the recent generation of Web 2.0 services like Facebook and Twitter.

  • Americans to spend more on travel: study

    2010-10-27 09:29

    Americans are planning to spend 11 percent more money on air travel this holiday season than they did last year, according to a new study.

  • Italian coffee brand takes up Brunello wine

    2010-10-27 09:29

    Coffee, tea, chocolate or wine? Italy's illycaffe has branched out from coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa to produce some of the country's most iconic wines.
