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China Daily Website

  • Mexican butterflies threatened by severe storms

    2010-08-18 09:05

    Fabled monarch butterflies are facing a new threat from severe storms that have devastated some sanctuary forests in Mexico, conservation groups said on Monday.

  • Golfing is popular for career advancement: poll

    2010-08-18 09:05

    Nearly 40 percent of employees in India play golf to mingle with senior business executives, the highest proportion of any country surveyed in a new poll.

  • Work/rest intervals ratchet up workouts

    2010-08-18 09:04

    If your cardio routine is in the doldrums, try mixing a little tortoise in with that hare.

  • Being online can boost your chances of being in love

    2010-08-18 09:03

    People who have Internet access at home are more likely to be in a relationship, with the Web gaining in importance as a meeting place for those seeking love, according to U.S. research.

  • Top 10 celebrity chef-owned restaurants in U.S.

    2010-08-18 08:50

    Chefs have become household names in recent years, helped by running their own TV shows or sharing their cooking tips with fans in glossy cookbooks.

  • Skateboarding priest becomes YouTube hit

    2010-08-18 08:48

    A Hungarian Roman Catholic priest has become a YouTube hit with his distinctive method of spreading the word on wheels.

  • Staging transformation

    2010-08-17 10:57

    The dramatic changes undertaken by the country's previously leading arts performance troupe testifies to the impact of reform.

  • Reformist culture vulture is earning his wings

    2010-08-17 10:54

    Gu Xin's vision, courage and ambition to carry out reform prompted the Ministry of Culture to appoint him as head of the Oriental Performing Arts Group last November.

  • Opening the cultural market for business

    2010-08-17 10:46

    Though the country has yet to confirm to open its cultural market sometime next year, domestic cultural organizations are revving up for the change.

  • New view on life

    2010-08-17 10:39

    The play, Princess Maleine has a particular resonance for visually impaired performers of the Xinmu Theater Workshop.

  • A breath of fresh heyrobics into city

    2010-08-17 10:37

    A chance has come for expats to inject a little foreign treatment into local lives - enter heyrobics into Chaoyang Park, led by Linus Holmsater from Sweden.

  • Art meets technology

    2010-08-17 10:13

    The Creators Project will hold the last of its five global events at Beijing's 798 Art District from Sept 17 to 19.
