虚拟养老院 (xūnǐ yǎnglǎoyuàn): Virtual nursing home
2019-01-04 06:58工厂直播 (gōngchǎng zhíbō): Factory livestreaming
2019-01-02 07:43个人所得税app(gèrén suǒdéshuì app): Individual income tax app
2018-12-26 08:36集体经营性建设用地入市(jítǐ jīngyíngxìng jiànshè yòngdì rùshì): Collective construction land for commercial use entering the market
2018-12-25 08:36
懒人经济 (lǎnrén jīngjì): Lazy economy
2018-12-24 07:39
取消限售(qǔxiāo xiànshòu): Ending housing resale ban
2018-12-21 07:23
自动售药机(zìdòng shòuyàojī): Medicine vending machines
2018-12-20 07:08
罪刑法定(zuìxíng fǎdìng): Legally prescribed punishment for a crime
2018-12-19 07:26基本公共服务国标 (jīběn gōnggòng fúwù guóbiāo): National standards for basic public services
2018-12-17 07:19
禁猎野生鸟类(jìnliè yěshēng niǎolèi): Ban on catching wild birds
2018-12-14 07:44
乡村旅游 (xiāngcūn lǚyóu): Countryside tourism
2018-12-13 07:30
离岸创新创业基地 (lí'àn chuàngxīn chuàngyè jīdì): Offshore innovation and entrepreneurship base
2018-12-12 08:11
网游道德委员会 (wǎngyóu dàodé wěiyuánhuì): Online game moral committee
2018-12-11 07:45
蓝色伙伴关系(lánsè huǒbàn guānxì): Blue partnership
2018-12-07 08:07Editor's Pick