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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Apartment rents rise 20% over 2009's high prices

    2010-06-17 09:56

    Lease prices for middle- and high-end apartments and houses increased more than 20 percent over last year.

  • Hip-hop singer brings beat back

    2010-06-17 09:56

    Confucius enlightened people on different elements of life. Some 76 generations later, his descendants are doing the same.

  • Rebel supermodel plans a life without plans

    2010-06-17 09:50

    Ge Huijie reveals her attempt to make up for the pain and suffering to her beloved when she was too young.

  • Web retailer upgrades passion for cheap goods

    2010-06-16 13:33

    360buy.com's founder takes well-rounded approach to commerce.

  • Speaking out about the life of a dubber

    2010-06-16 07:32

    Beijing native Jia Xiaojun has been the Chinese voice of everyone, from computer whiz Riley Poole in National Treasure, to the mischievous villain Plankton in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.

  • Autistic son helps mom get a life

    2010-06-15 07:30

    Germany's former first lady, Eva Luise Kohler, visited only one NGO during her five-day trip to China in May - Beijing Stars and Rain.

  • Learn from environmental tragedies

    2010-06-14 07:24

    Environmental activist Aileen M. Smith is calling for a strong and constructive international treaty from the United Nations mercury conference that began Monday in Stockholm.

  • 'Spa' that provides a central pathway

    2010-06-14 07:24

    The first leisure center to use TCM practices has opened in the city

  • African model and singer dances to charitable tune

    2010-06-11 07:57

    As long as she has the ability to walk, she's going to use it to help those in need. That's the pledge made by 24-year-old model and dancer Mariatu Kargbo.

  • Education Special: Educator's international schools nurture responsible world citizens

    2010-06-11 07:57

    Editor's note: Dr Betty Chan Po-King, Director of Yew Chung International Schools was recently awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for her life long work in the area of early childhood education. We joined Dr Chan to discuss her educational philosophy and vision of how education will change in the future as a result of globalization.

  • Tourists stream to Yanqing

    2010-06-11 07:56

    Yanqing local government has been making efforts to enhance the region's image and boost socio-economic development. These seem to have paid off as the area is now attracting people from far and wide.

  • Escape the busy crowds of central Beijing

    2010-06-11 07:56

    Yanqing county, in the northwest of Beijing, allows you to find some space away from the city's crowds.
