Over 1.2 million domestic and international Internet users applied for the 300,000 free sightseeing e-coupons offered by the Beijing Tourism Bureau during the Chinese New Year.
With an ever-increasing number of cars on Beijing's streets, some expatriates are pushing to counteract the clog by forming a group of dedicated cyclists which aims to push awareness of commuting options.
Pedal power no longer a moving force in city
The land price record for residential housing in Beijing was broken twice on Monday.
2010 marks the 400th anniversary of the death of Matteo Ricci, an Italian missionary who introduced Western culture, art and science to China during the Ming dynasty. Ricci was a valued advisor to the Chinese court as well as the first foreigner buried in the imperial capital when he died in 1610.
Restaurants that charge diners for tableware are violating consumers' rights, according to an open letter published on Sunday that was penned by a cartel of powerful advocacy groups, including ones from the capital.
Around 150 tourists have lodged a complaint with the Beijing tourist bureau, claiming they were swindled out of 7 million yuan by an agent claiming to be from the Beijing Xinhua tourist agency.
With the coming of Tomb Sweeping Day, the Beijing civil affairs bureau is ready to launch a project to reduce high funeral service fees.
Fans of Beijing's many hot springs resorts are being warned that some of them are not the real thing.
Property buyers attracted by real estate promotional slogans of "hot springs" should be cautious after the government effectively killed such projects Tuesday.
Agencies selling secondhand properties must display their credentials and provide a list of charges and copies of legal contracts in their shops, as the government works to curb cheating in secondhand property transactions.
It is common for people to compare the slow delivery service of China Post with Panda Slow Post, a privately run delivery service in the 798 Art Zone.